Is Marijuana Becoming a Leading Crop in the U.S.?

Monica Savaglia

Posted June 4, 2019

There are a lot of changes happening in the marijuana industry.

A few years ago, you probably didn’t think there would be any investment opportunities in marijuana. However, all of that has changed, and the doors have been opened up. There are some really great investing opportunities now because of marijuana. The marijuana market is no longer a fairy tale of promised gains; it is now a reality.

The global market for pot is worth $17 billion. It’s about to skyrocket even further over the next few years, hitting $146 billion by 2025. Marijuana has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world.

The demand for marijuana increases every day, a big factor in why this market has grown so quickly. Not to mention the legalization and decriminalization of the drug has become a strong driving force toward the demand increase. The legalization of medicinal marijuana and its adoption as a pharmaceutical product for treating medical conditions like cancer, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological conditions is going to further increase the demand for the drug.

People are growing so accustomed to having medical marijuana as a treatment option that there will be consistent demand for the drug. But that is still just a small portion of this growing market.

Since there will be a need for more marijuana to fulfill the increasing demand for the plant, there are more marijuana farms emerging.

Curt Livesay, a certified crop adviser and owner of Dynamite Ag, had this to say about weed:

Marijuana is going to be grown by farmers outdoors as a row crop. When you put American farmers in this space, marijuana production will go to a whole other level. Marijuana is the next frontier of commercial agriculture. People are starting to realize this is not the dire realm of reefer madness. This isn’t the devil’s lettuce.

There’s no denying that the agriculture industry has a lot of changes coming its way. Marijuana is going to be the next leading crop, and some farmers are welcoming it with open arms. The realization that this plant holds more future opportunities and the fact that it could provide farmers with consistent revenue is enough for them to get on board.

Matt Karnes, the founder of GreenWave Advisors, a company specializing in cannabis industry analysis, research reports, and consultation, believes every U.S. state will have a medical marijuana program within the next five years. He said:

The pressure will ratchet up and the feds will have to respond to the will of the people. Marijuana likely will trade like any other commodity and someday the U.S. will be exporting cannabis to other countries. We’re at the beginning of what we characterize as a “Marijuana market metamorphosis” as states with both legalized medical and recreational use begin to evaluate the practicality of merged regulatory regimes.

All signs are pointing toward a robust, growing industry for marijuana. Since so many people and businesses will depend on it, farmers will need to make sure they can keep up with the demand.

Growing Marijuana Bigger and Faster

There’s one company that’s going to help make marijuana farming even more robust. It has developed a CO2 spray that’s going to double the value of marijuana instantly.

The best thing about it is that it’s not a pesticide. There are no harmful chemicals involved in this spray. It consists of just three natural ingredients, and when it’s applied to marijuana, the plants grow bigger and faster.

Carbon dioxide is a crucial component to help plants grow, and this spray helps increase a plant’s carbon dioxide efficiency, which helps it grow bigger and faster. This will increase the value of each marijuana plant. Anyone growing cannabis could more than double the value of their crop if they were to use this spray on their fields.

And this Canada-based company holds the patent to this miracle spray, so no one can copy the formula it uses. Additionally, the spray was just approved by the federal government and has been cleared as a non-pesticide.

The spray isn’t just for marijuana plants; it can be used on almost every indoor and outdoor plant. It works on lettuce, spinach, potatoes, beets, and even tobacco. Imagine increasing the yields of these crops — producing more food for the world and growing revenues of the companies that specialize in certain crops.

This spray is going to be groundbreaking for farmers worldwide, and not just specifically to marijuana. The impact it could have on so many industries is going to be astounding.

These types of life-changing products don’t come around often. Imagine the marijuana industry growing bigger and faster than it already is because of this spray.

Meet the Company Making This Spray

My colleague Alex Koyfman has been researching this company for a while. He’s been able to learn more about what this spray does and where the company sees itself in the future.

The company’s shares are trading at an insanely cheap price on the open market. Not only that, but it’s also on the verge of a major disruption of the $146 billion global marijuana market.

That means right now is the best time to take advantage of what’s to come. If you take action now, you could easily be on the path to massive gains ahead.

This opportunity isn’t the only one Alex is keeping an eye on. If you want to stay ahead and be educated on more life-altering profit opportunities, particularly in the marijuana space, click here.

And be sure to check your inbox this Thursday, June 6. Alex will be sending out an in-depth explanation of the Canadian company that owns the patent to the groundbreaking spray I’ve been talking about. This is a rare chance to get ahead of what’s to come for the marijuana market.

Until next time,

Monica Savaglia Signature Park Avenue Digest

Monica Savaglia

Monica Savaglia is Wealth Daily’s IPO specialist. With passion and knowledge, she wants to open up the world of IPOs and their long-term potential to everyday investors. She does this through her newsletter IPO Authority, a one-stop resource for everything IPO. She also contributes regularly to the Wealth Daily e-letter. To learn more about Monica, click here.

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